My balance between travel and routine the past 3 months has been all of one and none of the other. After my stint as a temporary nomad I've come to learn that I'm neither a fan of routine nor spontaneity in large amounts. I very much love both - just in equal proportions. The lame truth is that I'm looking forward to an at-home, routine filled, winter. With that said, the past 3 months have been an absolute blast and I've been dying to share!
My travels have kept me away from this space much more than I would have liked in the past weeks. Confession: the post counts for September and October on the left, those little (1)'s, drive me absolutely nuts! As a "writer" (I use this term very loosely) I try to challenge myself to live a life worth writing about, writing worth reading, words that might somehow add value to others lives. Lately though, I've lost sight of the most important aspect of writing...slowing down long enough to process thoughts into words and scribbling them down on a page.
So, after a little quiet time and some note scribbling, here's post #2 for November, with a ton of photos to make up for my recent lack of words. I can't promise they'll add value to your life in any significant way but I CAN promise many more words to come and I hope you enjoy!
These are just a few of the places my size fives have taken me over the past 12 weeks:

My travels have kept me away from this space much more than I would have liked in the past weeks. Confession: the post counts for September and October on the left, those little (1)'s, drive me absolutely nuts! As a "writer" (I use this term very loosely) I try to challenge myself to live a life worth writing about, writing worth reading, words that might somehow add value to others lives. Lately though, I've lost sight of the most important aspect of writing...slowing down long enough to process thoughts into words and scribbling them down on a page.
So, after a little quiet time and some note scribbling, here's post #2 for November, with a ton of photos to make up for my recent lack of words. I can't promise they'll add value to your life in any significant way but I CAN promise many more words to come and I hope you enjoy!
Halifax, N.S. - Graffiti Boulevard

Exploring the East with one of my favorite people of all time - my beautiful little sis
St. Mary's Cathedral Basilica - architecturally flawless!
One of my favourite Halifax memories - getting lost in pages of books for hours in this garden. So peaceful.
Our first ocean dip in Point Cross, Cape Breton
Coated in salt and loving it!
Amazing beach in Inverness
Beauty beyond measure - this drive along the East Coast shoreline left me breathless for miles
The Cabot Trail, Cape Breton
Nothing but ocean and wide open space - I'd say not a bad spot for a coffee date
No love like a sister love
The Skyline Trail - indescribable beauty - like nothing I have ever seen! So happy to have discovered it with you Jules.
Two J's and Peggy ;)
Halifax Harbour
Peggy's Cove
New York City
The amazing glow of NYC
I <3 NY (and this shot - taken with my iPhone from under my awesome $10 tourist umbrella)

Pizza the size of my head...check! So good.
I instantly fell in love with the buzz of Fifth Avenue. A shopaholics dream...a bank accounts nightmare! ;)
Random fact: I've always been drawn to yellow objects. Weird I know.
The MoMA.. double check. So much love for this museum and its corky weirdness!
Loved this exhibit - there will never be silence. Speak up - keep writing - be heard.
Modern art at its finest - love it!
Monet's Water Lilies
Wrap a pair of Levi's around your head and wander about. Bam. Art....?
MK New York!
Rockefeller Plaza - love this intersection. Dying to visit at Christmas when they have the tree up!
The food at Brasserie Ruhlmann was so incredible we had to break the rule we made about not eating at the same place twice. Just look at that apple tart...A definite must if you ever visit NY!
Magnolia's! The best chocolate cupcakes and chai tea latte I've ever had! Another must.
The blur of yellow taxi's and the boldness of red, white and blue. Incredible.
Tea time
A new york minute
The Metropolitan Museum of Art - 4 city blocks of perfection in every which way!!
All week I had an inexplainable fascination with street pretzels. Photo 1 of about 50...strange I know.
Again with the pretzels... but seriously look at that stack job!
No stopping in new york - seriously.. don't stop walking you will get run over!
You can't see me..I'm camouflaged.. ;)
The nerd in me had to see the NYC library!
For my fellow runners
One of my fav shots - a perfect juxtaposition and representation of new york city in the Fall
Represent ;)
How Americans do bubbles...psst Canada... we're doing it wrong! ;)
Central Park. Adore this shot.
This moment was truly like a scene from a movie - little girls dancing to this man playing his saxophone under a bridge in Central Park. I'll never forget the song he was playing and the sound of these girls giggling. Adorable.
Harry Cipriani's
R&R with R
Tired feet!
That skyline
Clowning around in the park ;)
For my girl Brit: Can't wait until you're running this place!! ;)
Even the New York ponies like to dress up and look fancy ;)
55th and 6th Avenue kind of LOVE.
The MetLife Stadium
And at night, New York refuses to stop moving long enough for you to capture its beauty. The blur of this city is beyond mesmerizing and infinitely endearing. One visit isn't nearly enough - I can't wait to go back!
With blurred nomadic love,
J :)