A Day with Innocence - Learning to Let Go

Monday, April 7, 2014

Today I had the pleasure of spending this sun filled Monday with my sweet niece, Elise. In 12 hours, this adorable little human taught me a lesson I've long needed to be reminded of (a lesson that transformed my tired workaholic fingers back into passionate writer fingers - thanks dear girl).

It's truly incredible the things children can teach us that we as adults are conditioned to unlearn. While spending the day with this little munchkin, colouring, napping, going for walks and squishing bananas into couch cushions (more-so her than me) I was reminded what it's like not to bother my mind with thoughts of the future. Little E's concern is only with the present, as it should be.  Her future is well protected by the many of us who love her unconditionally. She need not worry her innocent mind. 

Years ago, in what seems like a blink of an eye, I left childhood behind, skipped being a teen (unfortunate truth) and entered into the trance we refer to as "adulthood" - a state of mind constantly consumed with nothing but thoughts of the future, self created expectations and the work needing to be done to achieve the often enormous goals we set for ourselves. Have a perfect career making boat loads of money while raising the perfect family in the perfect ginormous house on a minimum of 25 acres of land while also travelling the world. Ready, set, go...

Today, while holding five tiny fingers in my hand and watching a river being bathed in Spring sunshine, I let go of all hindering expectations I've created for myself surrounding future careers, homes, goals and the millions of other things I chew my fingernails off worrying about. Today, if only for a moment, the nucleus of worry within my mind labelled "future" was diminished. 

It was then that I realized I wasn't holding little E's hand. She was holding mine. 

Without worry,  
