My Newest Adventure - Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel

Friday, June 13, 2014

Yesterday after announcing a project I've been quietly working on for months I felt a bit like what I can only imagine Beyonce felt like after releasing her last album. There wasn't a single whisper of Beyonce working on a new collaboration or stepping foot into a music studio and then BAM - she releases her best album yet complete with a full set of videos. Huge success.  Zero marketing. If you haven't bought her new album, you're missing out, it's brilliant. And proof that hard work and determination can create successful projects without over marketing or commercialization. Without stuffing x,y or z down peoples throats.

A bit of a stretch to compare myself and Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel to the almighty Beyonce and her music - the woman is untouchable - but it's Friday the 13th and I'm feeling a little crazy! This song isn't from her new album but I love it and her moves sum up my mood perfectly today ;)

I spent the entire afternoon yesterday with my phone glued to my ear talking to friends and family, new and old, near and far, explaining our project, our drive that resulted in the creation of Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel and our future goals for the company. My apologies to those of you I should have told. Blame it on Bride brain...because I can only use that excuse for another 15 days!

Here's the scoop dear friends!

My business partner and I have an insane burning passion for the rarity that is the Okanagan - our goal is that this brand will represent that rarity with pride. We believe that the people, environment, energy, passions and dreams of this amazing piece of Canada should be celebrated. We at Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel invite you to celebrate with us. Whether you're lucky enough to be a local or just passing through. Or maybe you're like me and found the Okanagan somewhere along the way in your journey and decided it was "your place".

Yesterday I woke up and decided to throw caution to the wind, despite that our online store isn't fully up and running or perfected. I want to begin growing awareness about my newest project and passion, I am accepting that there is no such thing as perfection and am going for it. Thank you to Mr. Jim Carrey for these words that lit a little fire under my...

"so many of us choose our path based on fear disguised as practically... you can fail at what you don't want so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."
And so, this one's for me. For Okanagan Lifestyle Apparel. For doing what I love. With love. For a new venture that I hope will bend along with me. I (along with Markku) control the pace. In true Okanagan style, we're easygoing with it.

In recent weeks I've learned that you can't properly look after those you love if you don't first look after yourself. So here's to me, my hobby and new venture (and all my loved ones who I can't wait to share this with).

Happy Friday the 13th all - do what you love today!
