Cabo in one word was perfection. The wedding went off without a hitch and was beyond beautiful. Huge congratulations and unending love to our dearest friends Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Yurkowski.
I fell in love with the ocean last week. She resisted my departure as much I resisted leaving her. She lingered in my thick messy braid despite 14 hours of travel back to YYC attempting to dry her out. She buried herself in my books and magazines in the form of wrinkled pages and sand filled spines. The English Major in me usually craves books with clean, crisp pages...but in this particular case I adored the imperfections Sunday morning on our red eye flight home. The tiniest particles of the ocean's floor found ten little homes beneath my finger nails. Her powerful waves left cuts and bruises on my knees and ankles. I hold no grudge. I gave her full control. I allowed her to let me feel weightless and vulnerable and held my breath trusting that she'd release me and my friends - old and new - from her powerful grip as we surfed her waves all week.
Her physical presence is slowly and inevitably beginning to escape me. I can't avoid showering any longer. Trust me on that one. Although my distance from her has left me feeling strangely empty - as though I have lost something that never really belonged to me - I will carry her with me. I'll cling to the moments and memories that made me feel truly at peace.
I would need new letters to form new words to marry them in new sentences to describe my newfound love for the Pacific ocean. I hope these few photos might do this love justice. More to come.
I would need new letters to form new words to marry them in new sentences to describe my newfound love for the Pacific ocean. I hope these few photos might do this love justice. More to come.
Our first walk along the Pacific ocean. Instantly addicted
R on his birthday - lounging in a hammock on the beach :)
Nothing but smiles.
May those sunglasses Rest In Peace at the bottom of the ocean.. darn.
Post body surfing daze - love these two!
Completely and utterly mesmerized
Made a new friend ;)
Beach bumming it
Our boat tour along the coast of Cabo St. Lucas.
Can you see Scooby Doo?? ;)
Who me...? ;)
Breath taking cliffs and arches just past Lover's Beach
One of the highlights of the trip!
One of the highlights of the trip!
Apple of his eye ;)
Soaking it all in
We left our mark for miles and miles up and down this coast<3
"Is it what we see or how we see it? Where we are or how we are? I have a distinct feeling that if we love how we are and choose wisely how we see all life around us, suddenly where we are will seem precisely right, and what we see will never stop astonishing us." - T.G.
This is just a tiny glimpse into our trip - much more to come - when life allows.
With love.