I'm someone who tends to view life through a pair of rose coloured glasses and admittedly spends a ton of time sitting on the fence of most decisions. But when it comes to matters of my heart I find it's either black and white.
Tonight while sitting at our kitchen island waiting for a pot of water to boil R and I got to talking about our recent trip to the Okanagan and our love for its simplicity. It's been a longstanding joke of ours that we always tend to make our major life decisions in a kitchen. As bubbles crept to the surface of the pot on our stove, we decided that after our wedding-- someway, somehow-- we will find our way back to the Okanagan. I mistakenly made a joke about it not being a real promise unless it was sealed with a Spit Shake... I really should have known better.
And so, in two(ish) years we will be back living in the Land of Life (as I call it). And now that it's documented-- you all can ensure we follow through. In honour of our rare black and white decision making skills, here's a little black and white look into the weekend that changed it all.

Where it all began
We spent Monday morning wandering in our favourite park before we drove East
Little Straw Vineyards, Westbank B.C.
My favourite barn at BX Ranch in Vernon, B.C.
Summerhill Winery
Our Blondie... ;)
With love.
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