Who would have thought that a four legged, wet nosed, tail wagging, hairy little blonde friend could teach a person so much about life. Today the little fur ball that I refer to as "Goodie Four Paws" turns FIVE (thirty-five)! It's truly unbelievable how quickly 5 years of life comes and goes...

For some odd reason I've always related the number 5 to progression and the passing of time. Strange and random I know. Growing up I thought...yup...by 25 I'll have this whole "life" thing completely figured out. Pretty sure I made my first 5 year plan at the age of 5. Perhaps I'm on the right track but it's funny how time and age changes a persons perspective.
This adorable not-so-little creature has been a constant source of joy in my life the past 5 years. Here's to you Bud-- you've taught me more about friendship than some who stand upright and only on 2 legs. Your unwavering loyalty and unending selflessness inspires and amazes me.
With love and unlimited milk bones,
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