
Saturday, April 13, 2013

I was browsing through my photo stream tonight because -- as I'm sure you all know by now -- I love reliving past memories through creative outlets, it's the root that grows my love for writing and photography.

I came across this photo that I took one year ago today on the last day of my University career. One word popped into my mind and almost instantaneously appeared in the Title section of the New Post box in blogspot. Growth. It's absolutely insane to me how much change and growth can occur in one year. After watching my friends and family grow up, and out, and in-between, and sideways this past year I suppose growth in some way, shape, or form is almost inevitable.  

It's late, I'm fighting off a cold and maybe I should be sleeping. But the word refused to be held hastage at my fingertips... so I typed it out. And then I typed a little more and I still seem to be typing...

"Writing is the only thing that, when I do it, I don't feel like I should be doing something else."
- Gloria Steinem

I watched this tree  sprout these amazing flowers every Spring for years. I often noted the semblance between this particular tree and the patterns of my life-- never in constant blossom, but always full of life. Always growing.
Thriving when supplied with essential life ingredients.

Grow. In all directions.

With love.
Photo taken: April 14/12 at University of British Colombia Okanagan 


  1. Makes me happy to see my photography lightly sprinkled around your blog. Nice post <3

    1. Soon I'm going to have to start paying you! <3 Thanks love. That photo is one of my favourites. Wish I remembered which exam I was studying for. Was it HS?

  2. it was either on our way to or right after our exam, I think Psychology of Humour, lol we staged this photo because the tree was so pretty so we sat down and pulled out our books and pretended this is what we looked like studying when in actuality studying for us was the back corners of the dingy library with top knots and saltines (as you may recall) Thank God we did though because the next day the wind blew all of the flowers off of this tree!
